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Certified Arborist Report Offered in Brampton and Other GTA Localities
If you are considering tree services for a commercial or private residential property, it is important to know when and why the concerned trees may be protected according to various lawful provisions. A formal inspection may be required by your city’s tree service by-laws. At Beechwood Tree, our personnel are habilitated to perform the inspection and produce the Certified Arborist Report you might need. In Brampton, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Caledon and Georgetown, you can count on our expertise.
What Are Certified Arborist Reports?
Actually, more and more local governing bodies are acknowledging the importance of maintaining healthy urban forest environments and are establishing regulations for that purpose. Arborist reports are documented proofs that proposed work will be in compliance with municipal preservation by-laws. Qualified personnel who produce those legal documents are highly educated in their field and have the professional title designation of Certified Arborists. Certified Arborist Reports are trusted, legally-binding opinions that municipal permit-issuing offices rely upon as they assure a proper inspection has been performed.

Why Are Certified Arborist Reports Required?
Depending on which GTA municipality you live in you may be required to submit a report at your local permit office. Certified Arborist Reports provide evidence that a private residential or commercial property owner is aware of, and has considered, all options prior to injuring or removing a tree. Beechwood Tree's environmental arboriculture experts can produce them to outline valid lawful courses of actions that must be adhered to before a municipal by-law office will issue a removal permit.

How to Obtain the Required Documentation
However, not all instances of arboriculture service work require reports and permits. So, it can be a bit confusing at times. Why not consider calling our professional personnel to answer your questions while providing you with procedural guidance? We handle these types of requests on a daily basis; therefore, we can help you cut through to the necessary facts quickly. Our knowledgeable staff can explain any obscure point, determine if and how the regulations apply to your situation and where to download the legal documentation or permit applications.